Optional control features – Flowserve UEX Limitorque User Manual

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Limitorque UEX FCD LMENIM1205-03-AQ – 05/15

8.1 Modutronic

The Modutronic controller will alter valve position in proportion to an analog command signal. It
includes an automatic pulsing mode to reduce overshoot at the set point.

The following parameters may be easily set during the configuration of the unit:

• Proportional Band range from 2% to 100% (15% = default)
• Dead Band range from ± 1% to 50% (2% = default)
• Polarity 20 mA = OPEN (default) or 20 mA = CLOSE
• Action on loss of command signal OPEN, CLOSE, STOP (CLOSE = default), or Move-to a previously

configured position

• Delay after stop 0–60 seconds (0 = default)
• Command Signal

• 4–20 mA
• Input impedance - 150 ohms

Repeatability – The Modutronic is repeatable to within ±1 % for 60 seconds stroke time or longer,
and 2% for 30 to 60 seconds.. Repeatability is defined as encoder feedback position versus position
command. Overall valve and actuator system accuracy depends on many factors, including actuator
gearing backlash and valve/actuator coupling tolerance, and therefore cannot be defined by this

Extrema Mode – If the command signal represents a position of 0–2% OPEN (nominal 4.00–4.32 mA)
or 98–100% OPEN (nominal 19.68–20.00 mA), then the UEX/L120 will move the valve directly to that
position, without pulsing.

Positioning Frequency – The standard frequency is suitable for a rate of 600 starts/hour for short
periods, typical of process start-up. Typical process control of ≤ 100 starts/hour.


Optional Control Features