Worcester actuation systems – Flowserve DFC17 User Manual

Page 26

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DataFlo Digital Electronic Controller DFC17 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions


Flow Control Division

Worcester Actuation Systems

6.3 Troubleshooting


Use the following troubleshooting guidelines to isolate
problems/bad components.

Prior to beginning any procedure, read all of Check, Action, and
Notes and Cautions sections.





Check for proper AC/DC power to actuator and

Correct as necessary.

circuit board. See Figures 2, 3 or 4.


With power off, check for broken wires and/or

Repair broken wires and

loose connections.

tighten loose connections.


With power off, check to see if fuse F1 is blown. Remove F1 from socket

Before restoring power, try to

(For DC boards, see paragraph 6.1.2 also.)

pins and check for

determine what caused F1 to blow

continuity through fuse with

and correct problem. See part 3.2

an ohm meter. If F1 is bad,

Note and Paragraph A of Part 1.1, and

replace it with a new fuse.

also paragraph 6.1.2.


Check operation of basic

See Part 6.1.

This check will isolate the problem to

Setpoint actuator per Part 6.1.

either the actuator or the circuit board.


Check for proper range of setpoint and

Use ammeter, voltmeter or

See models listed at beginning of IOM

process input signals.

ohmmeter to verify input

for ranges. 4–20 mA is most common.

signal range.


Check calibration of feedback potentiometer.

With shaft in full CW position,

When trying to move the valve

adjust pot for a reading between

manually with the clutch disengaged,

.200 and .400 volts. Recalibrate

be certain that the wrench fits

per part 4.2 if necessary.

properly on the flats of the actuator
shaft. Improper fit can cause shaft
damage with consequent damage to
cover bearing surface. Stay within the
preset quadrant of operation. See
Paragraph C of Part 1.1.


Check to see that varying the process

If LEDs do not turn on and off,

The turning on and off of the LEDs

signal above and below the Setpoint value

replace board.

is indicative that the input side of the

causes the light emitting diodes (LEDs) to

circuit board is OK.

turn on and off individually.


Check the operation of the Controller with a

If intermittent or jittery operation

Increasing the deadband may help to

portable, battery-operated Process signal

stops, it is indicative of a noisy

alleviate the problem.

source if possible or some other appropriate

online signal input. To avoid

process signal simulator.

damaging the actuator, it is
necessary to “clean up” the signal.
Also, follow the shielding guidelines
of Paragraphs 1.2 and 1.2.3.


Check the motor run capacitor for a short,

Replace as necessary.

Disconnect all leads from capacitor

excessively high leakage and low

terminals (power off) prior to testing.

capacitance. Use a capacitance meter to

Do not exceed rated voltage of

check. (AC boards only)

capacitor. Make certain that
capacitor is discharged before

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