16 lcd avail status, 2 positioner tuning, 1 rotary switch settings – Flowserve Logix 520MD+ DD User Manual

Page 15: 2 p-gain mult open, 3 p-gain mult close, 4 p-gain max open, 5 p-gain max close, 6 d-term depth open, 7 d-term depth close, 8 d-gain basic open

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DD User Manual - Logix® 520MD+ Series Digital Positioner FCD-LGENSF0013-01

© Flowserve Corporation


View if the pressure sensor board is installed.

LCD Avail Status

View if the LCD is installed.


Positioner Tuning

View and adjust tuning parameters

DANGER: Changing the tuning parameters can affect how

the valve controls and may cause sudden valve movement.
Notify proper personnel that the valve may stroke, and make
sure the valve is properly isolated before proceeding.

Rotary Switch Settings

View the rotary switch setting. This is a live manual tune
selector. Use this as a first option when adjusting the tuning.

P-Gain Mult Open

Adjust the proportional gain multiplier in the open direction.
Use caution when adjusting gain settings. Small changes
can cause the valve position to go unstable.

P-Gain Mult Close

Adjust the proportional gain multiplier in the close direction.
Use caution when adjusting gain settings. Small changes
can cause the valve position to go unstable.

P-Gain Max Open

Adjust the maximum proportional gain setting in the open
direction. Use caution when adjusting gain settings. Small
changes can cause the valve position to go unstable.

P-Gain Max Close

Adjust the maximum proportional gain setting in the close
direction. Use caution when adjusting gain settings. Small
changes can cause the valve position to go unstable.

D-Term Depth Open

Adjust the derivative gain depth in the open direction. Use
caution when adjusting gain settings. Small changes can
cause the valve position to go unstable.

D-Term Depth Close

Adjust the derivative gain depth in the close direction. Use
caution when adjusting gain settings. Small changes can
cause the valve position to go unstable.

D-Gain Basic Open

Adjust the basic derivative gain in the open direction. Use
caution when adjusting gain settings. Small changes can
cause the valve position to go unstable.

D-Gain Basic Close

Adjust the basic derivative gain in the close direction. Use
caution when adjusting gain settings. Small changes can
cause the valve position to go unstable.

I-Gain Open

Adjust the integral gain in the open direction. Use caution
when adjusting gain settings. Small changes can cause the
valve position to go unstable.

I-Gain Close

Adjust the integral gain in the close direction. Use caution
when adjusting gain settings. Small changes can cause the
valve position to go unstable.

Stroke Time Open

Adjust the stroke time in the open direction. This time is
determined at calibration. A smaller stroke time will increase
the responsiveness in the open direction.

Stroke Time Close

Adjust the stroke time in the close direction. This time is
determined at calibration. A smaller stroke time will increase
the responsiveness in the close direction.

Min Open Time

Set the minimum open time. This is a speed limit for any
movement of the valve in the open direction. The maximum
rate will be 100% / Min Open Time.

Min Close Time

Set the minimum close time. This is a speed limit for any
movement of the valve in the close direction. The maximum
rate will be 100% / Min Close Time.

Inner Loop Offset

Set the Inner Loop Offset. This is automatically determined
at calibration. Do not adjust this unless the positioner is not
responding and the current value is not between 30% and


Pressure Control

View and set the pressure control lock parameters. When the
Valve Stability DIP switch is set to High Friction and the
deviation is less than the Window value, the position will be
locked based on pressure control rather than position
feedback. When the Valve Stability DIP switch is set to Low
Friction, the pressure window is automatically optimized to be
as small as possible.

Pressure Lock

View the status of the pressure lock.

Window Multiplier

Set the window multiplier value for automatic optimization of
the pressure control window when the Valve Stability DIP
switch is set to Low Friction. Typically this value does not
need adjustment.

Window Gain

Set the window gain value for automatic optimization of the
pressure control window when the Valve Stability DIP switch
is set to Low Friction. Typically this value does not need


Set the size pressure control window when the Valve Stability
DIP switch is set to Hi Friction. A larger window will stop
valve oscillations caused by very high friction. A smaller
window will allow more accurate valve positioning.