Never use teflon tape, Installation do’s & don’ts, Do don’t – Floscan FloNET Standard Flow Model User Manual

Page 5: Floscan instrument company, inc, Double clamp all hose barb fittings, Minimize the use of 90º elbow fittings, Avoid 2 or 5-micron primary filters, Never use illuminated or back-lit switches

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FloScan Instrument Company, Inc.

Tel: (206) 524-6625

Fax: (206) 523-4961

3016 NE Blakeley Street, Seattle, WA 98105

Email: [email protected]


Installation Do’s & Don’ts

Do Don’t

Always use a Fuel Proof Pipe Thread Sealant

when assembling fittings into fuel system

components, (Locktite PST, Rector Seal, or


Never use Teflon Tape!

Use thin wall, low pressure,

NPT or NPTF hose barb fittings.

If possible avoid using JIC or SAE swivel

fittings. If used, always install Copper AP-50

sealing washers or Flaretite fitting seals onto the

JIC or SAE swivel fittings male end.

Double clamp all hose barb fittings.

Minimize the use of 90º elbow fittings.

Install Sensors as far from the engine as practical.
Fuel must travel, “Up-hill” at least 1 or 2 inches
after leaving the Return Sensor. Install Return
Sensors downstream of Pressure Regulator Valves.

If possible, try to avoid bolting or mounting

sensor(s) directly onto the engine.

Always install Diesel Forward Sensor/Pulsation

Damper assemblies and Gasoline Sensors on the

Vacuum or Inlet side of all Fuel Pumps.

Do Not Exceed the Forward or Return

Sensor/Pulsation Damper Assembly’s Tested

Operating Pressure of 100 PSI.

Always use 30-micron primary filters on Diesel

systems. 20 and 10-micron filters are

acceptable if required by the engine manufacturer.

Avoid 2 or 5-micron primary filters.

Wire with Shielded Cable on Diesel installations.

If possible use a dedicated shielded wire pair for

Magnetic Pickup Tachometer Senders.

Never use unshielded wires on

Magnetic Pickup Tachometer Senders.

Connect all Negative wires to a Battery Minus

Buss or directly to the Battery’s Negative


Connect or, “Ground” wire shields / shield drains

to the engine block or vessel bonding system.

Never connect Negative, (Battery Minus) wires

to the Hull, Engine Block, or other machinery.

On Instruments with a GPS interface, connect

FloScan’s Data (+) to the GPS signal output.

Connect Data (–) to a Battery Minus buss.

Do not connect FloScan’s Data (–)

to the GPS Data (–).

Always use non-illuminated switches for Totalizer

Reset, Port/Starboard Select, Hours/Synch, and



Never use illuminated or back-lit switches.