Vpn startup and shutdown actions – equinux VPN Tracker 5.4.4 User Manual

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‣ Drag the slider for the location to the left

‣ Click the slider (if the connection was activated before)

Switches between different AirPort networks (within the same
location) are handled differently.

You can instruct VPN Tracker to start (or restart) a connection
when a certain AirPort network becomes the primary interface.

To start (or restart) a connection automatically for an AirPort
‣ Select the connection
‣ Switch to the “Actions” tab
‣ Click the green “+“ symbol (if you need to add an additional

AirPort network)

‣ Enter the network’s SSID


If an AirPort network is not part of the list, the VPN

connection will simply drop when the primary
network interface is changed.

To remove an Airport network from the list:
‣ Click the red “-” symbol next to it

VPN Startup and Shutdown Actions

Older versions of VPN Tracker let you place UNIX scripts in a
certain folder to execute them based on the current
connection status.


Startup and Shutdown Actions will only be executed

when a connection is started or stopped manually.