Facebook, Pricing, Fixed-price auctions – equinux iSale express 1.2.9 User Manual

Page 15

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Note that the item condition options depend on the category, so
you may not have all of the options shown above.


iSale express can display auctions in your Facebook account, so
your friends will see what you’re currently selling. For more details
on Facebook, please see “Appendix: Preferences”.

Select this option to

display auctions in

your Facebook



First of all, you will want to determine your desired starting price,
i.e. the minimum price for your item. The currency will be auto-
matically set according to the eBay site chosen.


eBay Canada supports both Canadian and US dollars.

Click and enter the starting price.

When setting your price, please keep in mind that eBay fees are
calculated based on the starting price of your auction. Most eBay
auctions start at $1, even if the item has a higher value. Through
the huge number of bidders on eBay, the item often reaches the
market price very quickly.

The availability of the pricing options presented below depends
on the user profile. Additional information can be found on the
eBay websites.

Fixed-Price Auctions

Instead of specifying a minimum price, you can also set a fixed
price for your item. Fixed-price auctions are not really auctions:
Buyers can only purchase your item at the set price, but cannot