Electro-Chemical Devices (ECD) HYDRA Ammonium User Manual
Page 20

Page 12
Graphical Display, 4-20 mA Outputs, Alarm Relays and Timers are all configured in the Setup Menu. Ion
selective electrodes have unique Iso-Potential points, the mV value for the concentration where changes
in temperature have no effect. This value is supplied with each specific ion electrode and must be
entered in the “isopot” entry line below. This provides the analyzer with the base point for temperature
Screen Displayed
Button Pressed
Ch1 Setup
CALIBRATE ► (enter screen)
Plot 4-20 1
Sample .1 m
(the “4-20 1” indicates the displayed value, variable)
Plot 4-20 1
Sample .1 m
(the Sample time is 0.1 minutes, variable)
4mA1 .0 ppt OUTPUT SET-UP
20mA1 999.9 ppt
CALIBRATE ► (enter 4mA line)
4mA1 .0 ppt
20mA1 999.9 ppt
To adjust the value use the CALIBRATE ◄ or ► to move
cursor. Use the ▲or▼ to adjust the integer value.
4mA1 00.1 ppb
20mA1 999.9 ppt
MENU SELECT ▼ (accept the Value)
4mA1 00.1 ppb
20mA1 999.9 ppt
4mA1 00.1 ppb
20mA1 999.9 ppt
CALIBRATE ► (enter 20mA line)
4mA1 00.1 ppb
20mA1 999.9 ppt
To adjust the value use the CALIBRATE ◄ or ► to move
cursor. Use the ▲or▼ to adjust the integer value.
4mA1 00.1 ppb
20mA1 100 ppm
MENU SELECT ▼ (accept the Value)
4mA1 00.1 ppb
20mA1 100 ppm
(4-20 is set to 00.1 ppb to 1000 ppm)
2 On > .0 ppt RELAY SET-UP
2 Off < .0 ppt
CALIBRATE ► (enter Relay Set Point)
2 On > .0 ppt
2 Off < .0 ppt
To adjust the value use the CALIBRATE ◄ or ► to move
cursor. Use the ▲or▼ to adjust the integer value.
2 On > 10.00 ppm
2 Off < .0 ppt
MENU SELECT ▼ (save the Value)
2 On > 100.0 ppm
2 Off < .0 ppt
2 On > 10.00 ppm
2 Off < .0 ppt
CALIBRATE ► (enter Relay Hysteresis Point)
2 On > 10.00 ppm
2 Off < .0 ppt
To adjust the value use the CALIBRATE ◄ or ► to move
cursor. Use the ▲or▼ to adjust the integer value.
2 On < 10.00 ppm
2 Off > 11.00 ppm
MENU SELECT ▼ (save the Value) ** Whether the relay is a
High or Low Alarm is determined by the Off value **
2 On < 10.00 ppm (Low Alarm
2 Off > 11.00 ppm example)
2 On > 10.00 ppm (High Alarm
2 Off < 9.500 ppm example)
-N drops below 10.0 ppm the
contact closes until it is higher than 11 ppm. If the Off value
is set to 9.5 ppm then the contact will switch to a High
Alarm, closing at 10.0 ppm and re-opening below 9.5 ppm.)