Stat crew interfaces quick guide 3 of 4 – Daktronics Stat Crew Interfaces User Manual

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Stat Crew Interfaces Quick Guide

3 of 4

201 Daktronics Drive PO Box 5128, Brookings, SD 57006-5128

Tel: 1-800-DAKTRONICS (1-800-325-8766) Fax: 605-697-4700


DD1701004 Rev 4

26 July 2013

3. When setting up Tascomms32, two outputs are available: serial or

file. Determine which type of connection is being used between the
stats computer and the Daktronics Scoring-Timing Interface (DSTI).

Serial output is used when the TAS and DSTI computers are
connected using a Serial (COM) port.

Click COM1 to select another port if necessary; for example,
if the port is already communicating with an All Sport 5000.


Check Enable output.


Select Scoreboard data as the Outgoing data format.


Set the Baud Rate to 9600.


Set the Data Bits to 8.


Set the Parity to None.


Set the Stop Bits to 1.

File output is used when both TAS and DSTI are on the same
computer, or the computers are connected via a network.

Set up the file output by clicking the Miscellaneous tab.


In the “Drop” input into file field, enter
“c:\statcrew\comfile.dak” for basketball
“c:\tasbs\comfile.dak” for baseball
“c:\tasfb\comfile.dak” for football
“c:\tashk\comfile.dak” for hockey
“c:\tasvb\comfile.dak” for volleyball

Note: The location of the file may vary if TasComms32 is on a
different computer and a mapped network drive is being used.

4. Click Start monitoring or Start ‘Monitor File’ to begin

viewing the incoming stats.

Before continuing, make sure that Stat Crew is open and sending
information. Enter a play to send information from the Stat Crew
software to TasComm32. The information should be visible on the
TasComms32 Terminal Window.