9 trumpet horns, 10 segmentation and digit designation, 11 schematics – Daktronics Single-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboards User Manual
Page 20: Trumpet horns, Segmentation and digit designation, Schematics, Figure 16
Scoreboard Troubleshooting
2.9 Trumpet Horns
For scoreboards that include clocks and have trumpet horns installed, refer to the Trumpet
Horn Installation Manual
2.10 Segmentation and Digit Designation
In each digit, certain LEDs always go on and off together. These groupings of LEDs are called
segments. Drawing A-38532 in Appendix C details which connector pin is wired to each digit
segment and the wiring color code used throughout the display.
The component location drawings also specify the driver connectors controlling the digits.
Numbers shown in hexagons in the upper half of each digit indicate which connector is wired
to that digit.
2.11 Schematics
For advanced scoreboard troubleshooting and repair, it may be necessary to consult the
schematic drawings. These drawings, listed in Appendix B, show detailed power and signal
wiring diagrams of internal display components such as drivers and transformers as well as
optional components like TNMCs, radio receivers, and trumpet horns.
Figure 16: Radio Receiver Switches