7 power supplies, Replacing a power supply, 8 radio connections – Daktronics Single-Section Outdoor LED Scoreboards User Manual

Page 18: Power supplies, Radio connections, On 2.8 ), N 2.7 )

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Scoreboard Troubleshooting

2.7 Power Supplies

Scoreboards with 4- or 8-column drivers use a single 150 W power supply assembly, while 16-
column driver enclosures require a dual 150 W power supply assembly. The FB-2410 along
with the FB-824 and TI-2024 with white digits will also have at least one 1000 W power supply
in place of the power supplies in the driver enclosure. The 1000 W power supplies are located
in a separate enclosure. If a certain group of digits is not lighting up, the power supply they
are all connected to may need to be replaced.

Replacing a Power Supply

To remove a 150 W power supply:

1. Use the component location drawings attached to the product specification sheets

listed in Appendix A to locate the enclosure.

2. Open an access panel as described in Section 2.2.
3. Loosen the screws to remove metal cover from the enclosure.
4. Locate the power supply (Figure 9) and disconnect all wires connected to it.
5. Use a 9/32" nut driver to remove the hardware securing the power supply.
6. Fasten the new power supply in place and reconnect all wires.

To remove a 1000 W power supply:

1. Open an access panel as described in Section 2.2.
2. Loosen the screws to remove metal cover from the enclosure.
3. Remove the mounting plate secured to the enclosure, remove the circuit board

attached to the power supply, and detach the power supply from the mounting plate.

4. Attach the circuit board to the new power supply and secure both to the mounting plate.

Note: If replacing the 1000 W power supply (Daktronics part # A-1856R) does not seem to
resolve the problem, try replacing its circuit board (part # 0P-1337-2000). This circuit
board also contains individual fuses for each output jack. If a single digit doesn’t work, a
fuse may be blown. Replace the fuse(s) as needed with part # F-1058.

2.8 Radio Connections

To determine the settings for radio connections between the scoreboard and control console:

1. Power off any radio-equipped consoles in the area.
2. Cycle power to the scoreboard, and watch for the radio settings. These settings

appear in different locations based on the scoreboard layout:

If there is no clock, the
settings should appear
in the Home and Guest
score digits (Figure 12),
but this may vary by
scoreboard model.

Figure 12: Radio Settings (Home/Guest)