Code CR2300 Bluetooth Connection User Manual
Page 8

D020625_02 Bluetooth Connection Integration Guide
A Bluetooth dongle may be needed if it is not built into the host device.
1. Find and select the Bluetooth icon in lower right notification tray.
2. Right-click on the Bluetooth icon. Select ‘Open Settings’
3. On the Options tab, check the first three options.
4. Open the COM Ports tab.
5. Select Add.
6. Select ‘Choose Incoming COM Port’, followed by ‘OK’.
7. Windows will install the COM Port.
8. When installation is complete, the COM Port will appear on the COM
Port tab. The Port # should be noted for a future step.
9. Open the Hardware tab, to view installed Bluetooth devices.
7.0 - Initial Pairing Instructions for Bluetooth Connection to Internal Bluetooth of a PC
as a Virtual COM Port