Adjusting rinse aid dispenser, When to refill the rinse aid dispenser, Attention – Campomatic DW924BI User Manual

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To open the dispense r, turn the cap to the "op en" (left) arr ow and lift it out.

Pour the rinse aid into the d ispens er, being careful not to overfill .
Replac e the cap by inserting it aligned w ith "open " arrow an d tur ning it to the closed (right) arrow.

Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser

Th e rinse aid dispenser has six or four s ettings. Always start with the dispens er
set on "4". If spots and poor drying are a proble m, increase the amount of rinse
aid disp ensed by removing the dispe nser lid and rot ating the dial to "5". If the
dishes still are not drying properly o r are show sp ots , adj ust the dial to the next
higher lever un til your dishes are sp ot-f ree. The recommended setting is "4".
(Factory value is "4".)

I ncrease the dose if there are drops of water or lime spots on the dishes after washing.
Reduce it if there are sticky whitis h stains on your dish es o r a bluish film on glassware or
knife blades.



As the rinse aid diminishes, the size of the black dot
on the rinse aid level indicator changes, as illustrated below.

3 / 4 full
1 / 2 full
1 / 4 full - Should refill to eliminate spotting

When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser

If there is no rinse-aid warning light in the control panel, you can estimate the amount from the colour
of the optical level indicator C located next to the cap. When the rinse-aid container is full, the whole
indicator will be dark .As the rinse-aid diminishes, the size of the dark dot decreases. You should never let
the rinse aid level fall 1 / 4 full.

d urin g th e nex t wa sh. Don 't for get t o re pla c e the cap be fore you clos e dis hwa she r d o or.

C lea n up any rinse aid spil led w hile dur ing fillin g wit h an abs orb e nt c loth to a void exc ess ive fo aming

Detergents with its chemical ingredients are ne cessary to remove dirt, crush dirt and transport it out of the dishwasher.
Most of the commercial quality detergents are suitable for this purpose.

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Proper Use of Dete rgent
Use only det ergent s pe cific ally m ade for the u se in d is hwa shers. Keep your d et ergent fr esh and dry.
Don 't pu t po wde red detergen t into the dis pe nser u ntil you 're re ady to wash dish es.
