Tension adjustment of the door spring, Connection of drain hoses – Campomatic DW924BI User Manual

Page 21

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Tension adjustment
of the door spring


Tension adjustment of the door spring

Connection of drain hoses

The door springs are set at the factory to the proper tension for the outer door.
If aesthetic wooden panel are installed, you will have to adjust the door spring tension.
Rotate the adjusting screw to drive the adjustor to strain or relax the steel cable
(see figure 5).

Doo r spri ng tension is c orrect when
t he doo r remains horiz ontal i n t he
f ul ly o pened posit ion

y et rises

t o a cl os e with the sl ight lift of a
f inger.

Inse rt th e dr ain h ose into a dra in p ipe with a m inim um diam eter of 4 0mm , or let i t run into the sink , ma k ing sur e to
avo id be n din g or crim pin g it. The to p o f th e ho se m ust be le s s t han 100 0mm.




Drain pipe

The top of the hose
must be less than

φ 40mm