Folding spikes of lower basket, Adjusting the upper basket, Folding back the cup shelives – Campomatic DW924BI User Manual
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The u ppe r bas ket is de sign ed t o ho ld m ore delic ate
a nd lighte r d ishwa re s uch as g lass es, coffe e a n d
te a cu ps a nd s auc ers, as well a s pl ates , sm all b owls
a nd s h allo w p a ns (as l ong as th ey a re n ot to o di rty).
Po siti on the d ishe s an d co okw are s o th at th ey w ill
n ot ge t mo ve d by t he s pray of w ate r.
We suggest that you place large items and the most
difficult to clean items are to be placed into the lower
basket: such as pots, pans, lids, serving dishes and
bowls, as shown in the figure below. It is preferable to
place serving dishes and lids on the side of the racks
in order to avoid blocking the rotation of the top spray
Pots, serving bowls, etc, must always be placed top down.
Deep pots should be slanted to allow water to flow out.
Ple ase be r emin ded tha t:
The B otto m Bas k et fe atur es fo ldin g sp ikes so that larg e r or mo re po ts an d p ans can be lo ade d.
Folding Spikes of Lower Basket
Fo r better stacking of pots and pa ns ,
the spi kes can be folded do wn a s
show in the p icture righ t.
Adjusting the Upper Basket
The h eig h t of the upp e r ba sket can be ad justed in o rder to
create mo re s pace fo r la rg e uten sil s b o th for the upper
/lowe r b asket. The hei ght of th e up per ba sket c an b e
a djus ted by p lac ing th e whe els on differe nt he igh t of the
rails. Long items, se rv ing cutle ry, s alad ser vers and knives
sho uld be placed on th e sh elf s o th at th ey d o no t o b stru ct
the ro ta tion of the spray ar ms..
Folding back the cup shelives
Fo r bet ter s tack ing of po ts a nd p ans ,
the spik es c an b e fo lded do wn a s
sho w in the pict ure righ t.
Cutlery should be placed in the cutlery rack separately
from each other in the appropriate positions, and do
make sure the utensils do not nest together, this may
cause bad performance.