Water outlet, Syphon connection, Extension hose – Campomatic DW924BI User Manual
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In order to avoid that there is more water staying in the inlet hose,
please close the hydrant after using.(For the models: no safety inlet hose.)
Positioning the Appliance
How to Drain Excess Water From Hoses
If the s ink is 100 0 h igh er from the floor, the exces s wa ter i n h o ses cannot b e dr aine d di rectl y
into the sin k. It will b e n eces sa ry to d ra in exc es s wate r fro m hos es into a b owl or su ita b le
con ta in er th at is he ld ou tside and lo wer than the sink.
Water Outlet
Co nne c t th e wa ter d rain hos e. The d rain hose mu st b e co rrec tly fi tted to av oid wate r le aks.
En sure tha t the wat er in let h ose is n o t kin ked or s qua shed .
The following things should be checked before starting the dishwasher.
Syphon Connection
Ins ert t he d rain hos e int o a d rain pipe with a m inimum dia mete r o f 40m m, o r let it ru n in to th e sin k, m ak in g su re t o
avo id b end ing o r crimpin g it . The to p of th e ho se mus t be les s than 100 0m m.
The content of this manual is very helpful to the users.
After installation, please make sure to keep this manual.
Extension Hose
If y ou n eed a dr ain h ose exte nsi on, m ake sur e to use a simila r dra in ho se.
It m ust be n o lo n ge r than 4 m etre s; o ther wise the clea nin g eff ect o f the dis hwa she r co u ld b e re duc e d.
The dishwasher is level and fixed properly
The inlet valve is open
There is a leakage at the connections of the conducts
The wires are tightly connected
The power is switched on
The inlet and drain hoses are knotted
All packing materials and printings should be taken out from the dishwasher
Connect the cold w ater supply hose to a threaded 3/4(inch) connecto r and make sure
that it is f astened tightly in place.
If the wat er pipes a re new or have not b een used for an extended per iod of time, let the
water run to make sure that the water is clear. Th is precaut ion is needed to avo id the
risk of the water inl et to be blocked and damage t he applian ce.
Position the appliance in the desired location. The back should rest against the wall behind it, and the sides,
along the adjacent cabinets or walls. The dishwasher is equipped with water supply and drain hoses that can
be positioned either to the right or the left sides to facilitate proper installation.