Protect against freezing, Cleaning the filter cleaning the door, Cleaning the spray arms – Campomatic DW924BI User Manual

Page 17: Remarks

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Th e co nt ro l p ane l can be clea ned by u sing a lightly dampened cloth .
Afte r cle an in g, m ake sure to dry it tho roug hly.

For t he e xter ior, use a g o od a ppliance pol ish w ax.
Nev er u se s harp objects, sco uring pa ds o r h ar sh c lea n ers on a ny p art o f the dis hwa sher.

Protect Against Freezing

1 .Cut off the ele ctrical power to the dishwasher.
2 .Turn off th e wat er su ppl y and d is co nnect th e water inlet pipe from the wate r valve.
3 .Drain th e water from the inlet p ip e an d water va lve. (U se a p an to gathe r th e water)
4 .Reconne ct the water inl et pipe to the wate r valve.
5 .Remo ve the filte r at the bottom o f the tub and use a spong e to soak up wate r in the sump.

p lease take fros t protectio n measures o n t he dishwasher in winter. Ev ery

fte r wa shing c ycle s,

p lease op erate as follows

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Cleaning the Filter

Cleaning The Door

To cle an the coar se fi lter a nd the f ine f ilter, use a c lean ing b rus h. R eass emb le th e fi lter p arts as s how n in the figu res
on th e la st pa ge a nd r eins ert t he e ntire ass emb ly in the dis hwa sher, po s itio ning it in its s eat and pres sing dow nwa rds .

When c leanin g the filters, don 't k no ck on them. O therwise , the f ilters could be
co ntorted and the perform anc e of th e dis hw as her could be decrease d.

To clean the edge around the door, you should use only a soft warm, damp cloth.
To avoid penetration of water into the door lock and electrical components, do not
use a spray cleaner of any kind.

Nev er u se a spr ay c lean er to cle an t he d oor pan el as it m ay dam age the door loc k
and ele ctric al comp on e nts.
Ab rasiv e ag ents o r som e pa pe r towels s hou ld not b e u se d becau se o f th e ris k o f
scratch ing or le avin g sp ots on th e st ainl ess ste e l su rfac e.

Cleaning the Spray Arms

If your dishwa sher cannot work because of t he ice,
please contact professional service persons.

It is necessary to clean the spray arms regularly for hard
water chemicals will clog the spray arm jets and bearings.

- Inspect the filters for blo cking after e very time the dishwa sher has been used.
- By unscrew ing the coarse fi lter, you can remove the filter system. Re move any foo d remna nts and

clean the filters under runni ng water.


The entire filter assembly should be cleaned once a week.

To re mov e th e lower s pray arm, pu ll ou t the spr ay a rm u pwa rd .

To re mov e th e up per s pra y a rm, hold the n ut, r otat e th e a rm
c lock wise to r emove i t.

Wash the arms in soap y an d warm water an d use a soft brus h to
clean the jets. Replace them after rinsin g the m th orough ly.