4 via rs232: flowfix, Rs232 – Bronkhorst PROFIBUS-DP slave interface User Manual
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Re-address action can be checked using the option ‘Live list’. This gives an overview of all masters and slaves
connected to a PROFIBUS segment.
‘Off-line’ via RS232-service communication port by means of a special tooling program, called FlowFix.
FlowFix is a tool for multi-bus instruments which can be used for all field busses enabling the user to:
Change slave station address
Read and evt. change baud rate (depends on field bus system)
Make a service log file to be send to Bronkhorst in case of trouble
FlowFix software can be found at the Bronkhorst website
Connect your Bronkhorst meter/controller PROFIBUS DP slave instrument to a free COM-port using the cable
mentioned below.
A special RS232 cable (7.03.366) can be ordered separately. It consists of a T-part with 1 male and 1
female sub-D 9 connector on one instrument-side and a normal female sub-D 9 connector on the side of
the computer. By means of this cable it is possible to offer RS232 communication and still be able to
connect power-supply and analog interface through the (analog) sub-D 9 connector.
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PROFIBUS DP interface