Introduction, What’s new in bsnee 4.0, Minimum hardware requirements – BrightSign BSNEE Installation Guide v.4.0 User Manual
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BSNEE Installation Guide
Welcome to the Installation Guide for the BrightSign Network Enterprise Edition.
BSNEE gives you a more hands-on method for managing your digital signage, as
well as the freedom to sell subscriptions for your own customized digital signage
Once you have successfully installed BSNEE, you will have the complete
infrastructure to serve and support your own digital signage network. Because
BSNEE is a private web application, it can be managed securely within your
corporate infrastructure and network.
What’s New in BSNEE 4.0?
The following features and improvements have been implemented since the previous version
of BSNEE (3.9):
BrightWall™ Support: You can now upload BrightWall presentations to BSNEE
servers, create BrightWall instances using networked players, add BrightWall instances
to BrightWall groups, and schedule BrightWall presentations for BrightWall groups.
These operations can currently only be carried out using BrightAuthor.
Remote Snapshot Support: You can now set up players to take snapshots of the
presentation area and upload them to the BSNEE servers in real time. These snapshots
can be then be viewed in the
Manage > Status tab in BrightAuthor.
Minimum Hardware Requirements
1.4 GHz or faster Dual Core processor
2GB of RAM
6GB free hard disk space
Network connection
A minimum hardware configuration should be used for testing/evaluation purposes only.
Device logs should be disabled with a minimum hardware configuration.
A maximum of 50 networked devices is recommended with this configuration.