Beurer BC 32 User Manual
Page 19

• This unit is in line with European Standard EN 60601-1-2
and is subject to particular precautions with regard to elec-
tromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Please note that portable
and mobile HF communication systems may interfere with
this unit. More details can be requested from the stated Cus-
tomer Service address or found at the end of the instructions
for use.
• This device is in line with the EU Medical Devices Direc-
tive 93/42/EC, the „Medizinproduktegesetz“ (German Medi-
cal Devices Act) and the standards EN 1060-1 (non-inva-
sive sphygmomanometers, Part 1: General requirements),
EN 1060-3 (non-invasive sphygmomanometers, Part 3: Sup-
plementary requirements for electro-mechanical blood pres-
sure measuring systems) and IEC 80601-2-30 (Medical elec-
trical equipment – Part 2 – 30: Particular requirements for the
safety and essential performance of automated non-invasive
blood pressure monitors).
• The accuracy of this blood pressure monitor has been care-
fully checked and developed with regard to a long useful life.
If using the device for commercial medical purposes, it must
be regularly tested for accuracy by appropriate means. Pre-
cise instructions for checking accuracy may be requested
from the service address.