Belshaw Adamatic INSIDER Ventless Donut System User Manual

Page 33

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Belshaw Bros., Inc.

• • Phone 206-322-5474 • Fax 206-322-5425

Insider TS



For maintenance requirements read, the Pyro
Chem fire suppression system inserts that are
included in this manual.
Note: See section 1, page 3, Illustration A & B
for component locations.

a) Daily


1. Visually inspecting the red fire suppression

control head assembly, for set mode display
and pressure gauge to make sure the system
pressure is within proper range.

2. Visually inspecting the system detection

lines to make sure that the fusible links are

3. Inspecting all nozzles, keeping them free

from grease and assuring that all blow-off
covers are in place.

4. Determining that easy access to the manual

pull station can be made for manual

5. Assuring that good housekeeping practices

have been maintained to eliminate potential
fire hazards.

6. Visually inspect the fire damper and fusible

link for damage and operational readiness.

At this time, it is also good practice to visually
inspect all premises hand portable fire
extinguishers to verify good working condition.

b) Regular



To ensure the proper operation of the system,
regular inspection and maintenance must be
performed by certified personnel and on a semi-
basis, and after every periodic hood and
duct cleaning (whichever occurs more
The authorized distributor must be consulted
after the system is discharged.
For six (6) month maintenance, annual
maintenance and hydrostatic testing see the Pyro-
Chem insert “System Maintenance”.

Recharging supplies of wet chemical shall be
stored in the original closed shipping container
supplied by the manufacturer. These containers
shall not be opened until the system is recharged.
Wet chemical supplies shall be maintained
within the manufacturers recommended storage
temperature range.
A trained person who has undergone the
instructions and certification necessary to
perform the maintenance and recharge service
reliably and has the applicable manufacturers
installation and maintenance manual and service
bulletins shall service the wet chemical fire
extinguishing system six (6) months apart as
outlined below.
At least semiannually, maintenance shall be
conducted in accordance with the manufacturers
installation and maintenance manual. As a
minimum, such maintenance shall include the
1. An examination of all detectors, the

expellant gas container, releasing devices,
piping, hose assemblies, nozzles, interlocks,
the fire suppression cylinder and gauge
pressure, and all auxiliary equipment.

2. Verification that the agent distribution

piping is not obstructed.

3. Where semiannual maintenance of any wet

fire suppression cylinder or system
components reveals conditions such as, but
not limited to, corrosion or pitting, structural
damage or fire damage; or repairs by
soldering, welding, or brazing; the affected
part(s) shall be replaced or hydrostatically
tested in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturer. The
hydrostatic testing of wet chemical
containers shall follow the applicable
procedures as outlined below.

4. The wet fire suppression systems shall be

tested, which shall include the operation of
the control head interlock mechanism and