4 using the parameter channel (pkw), 1 read/write an amplifier parameter, 2 summary of the parameter numbers – BECKHOFF AX2000 PROFIBUS DP communication profile User Manual

Page 19: Read/write amplifier parameter, Read/write an amplifier parameter, Summary of the parameter numbers, 4using the parameter channel (pkw), Using the parameter channel (pkw)

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Using the parameter channel (PKW)

The digital servo amplifiers of the AX2000/2500 series have to be adapted to the circumstances of
your machine. The parameters for the controllers are set using either the setup software or via the


Read/write an amplifier parameter

Read (AK = 1) or write (AK = 3) amplifier parameters

To read or write an amplifier parameter through PROFIBUS, the corresponding PNU must be used.
The parameters that are written to the AX2000/2500 can be transferred to the non-volatile memory
by using the command “non-volatile parameter save” (PNU 971).

Telegram layout:




1 (read) / 3 (write)

2 (OK) / 7 (error)


see 4.2.1

as transmitted


for AK = 3 see p.20ff for data type
for AK = 1 data type irrelevant

for AK = 3 returns the PWE of the request
for AK = 1 see p.20f for data type


Summary of the parameter numbers

All the parameter numbers (PNUs) for AX2000/2500 are listed in numerical order in the table on
page 20ff, with a short description. The parameter numbers in the range 900 – 999 are profile-spe-
cific for the PROFIBUS drive profile PROFIDRIVE. Parameter numbers > 999 are manufacturer-

For better understanding, you can look up the ASCII commands which are in the column “ASCII
command” in the online help the setup software. A description of all ASCII commands can be found
in the ASCII reference lists (referring to the servo amplifier type) located on the product CDROM
and on our website.

Parameter numbers >1600 use the object channel (see p.31ff).

Some amplifier parameters (e.g. GV) have 2 PNU numbers in the AX2000/2500. Both of them
can be used to read and write the parameter (e.g. PNU 1200 and PNU 1672).

PROFIBUS for AX2000/2500




Using the parameter channel (PKW)