BDI 8424 Novia User Manual

Your Novia® Home Theater Furniture is engineered for easy assembly.
Carefully follow this procedure to prevent any damage.
Placement and Maintenance
Novia® Home Theater Furniture is designed for indoor use on level
floors. Clean glass with glass cleaner, and steel parts and wood veneer
with a moist cloth.
Step 1
Unpack and Identify
Unpack and identify the components at left. Note that some components
are shipped inside the cabinet. The assembly workspace should be a non-
marring surface such as carpet. For missing hardware pieces, please
contact BDI Customer Service at [email protected]. For all
other concerns, please contact your BDI Retailer.
Step 2
Build Base Assembly
First, remove all internal components from the cabinet including shelves,
hardware box and legs.
Install Cam Screws (E) into Leg Sections (D) and hand tighten. Insert
Small Wood Dowels (F) into legs on either side of the Cam Screws (E) as
shown in drawing.
Locate the Cam Lock Nuts (H) in the Side Stretchers (G). Loosen the
head of the Cam Lock Nuts (H) using the provided Phillips Screwdriver
Place Stretchers so Cams are facing towards the wheels and the
grooved edge detail faces outward.
Component List
Designed by Matthew Weatherly
These distinctive product configurations are protected by US and international
patents, trade dress, and/or copyright laws.
“Novia” and BDI are trademarks of Becker Designed, Inc.
All Rights reserved. ©2009, BDI
Made in China. 8424REV120709v3
8 4 2 4
a s s e m b l y
i n s t r u c t i o n s
A - Phillips Screwdriver x 1
B - 4mm Hex Driver x 1
F - Small Wood Dowels x 8
I - Large Wood Dowels x 4
J - Assembled Cabinet x 1
K - 1/4-20 x 4” Bolts x 4
M - 1/4-20 x 1.5” Bolts x 6
N - Center Leg x 1
G - Side Stretchers
x 2
H - Cam Lock Nuts x 4
D - Leg Sections x 2
E - Cam Screws x 4
C - Leveler Wrench x 1
O - Top Glass x 1
P - M4 x 25mm Pull Bolts x 2
Q - Pull x 2
R - Adjustable Shelf x 2
S - Back Panel x 1
Attach Legs to Stretchers from both ends.
Tighten Cam Lock Nuts (H) using Phillips Screwdriver (A).