Aspect – BDI 6234 ASPECT User Manual
Page 4

Fine tuning your new BDI Aspect Hutch
These steps are to be followed after you have unpacked and completed the simple assembly instructions for
your Aspect Hutch. Due to jostling in freight or perhaps an uneven floor, the doors on your Aspect Hutch may
not appear to be in perfect alignment. Making a few minor adjustments can rectify this situation. Be aware
that depending on your situation, patience and a bit of trial and error are required. The high-quality European
hinge hardware is infinitely adjustable, but changing one element can cause the need for further adjustments.
Through a little adjustment, you can modify the orientation of the cabinet doors to make sure that they are
sitting perfectly on your Aspect unit.
CORRECT! Door is
sitting squarely and
evenly spaced on tops
and sides.
Door is
out of alignment with
the rest of the unit.
STEP 2 - Adjust Door Hinges (if needed)
The doors on your cabinet should be evenly spaced and the doors should open and close freely without rubbing
against the door frame.
If the cabinet’s doors appear out of alignment, this condition can be corrected with minor adjustment to the
European hinges on each door.
Because these hinges are infinitely adjustable, adjusting one hinge element can sometimes cause the need for
adjustments to other elements. But with a few adjustments, you
can modify the orientation of the cabinet doors to make sure
that they hang perfectly within your cabinet.
Use the
Phillips Screwdriver (A) supplied to adjust Aspect's
door hinges:
By adjusting
Screw 1, the door will move LEFT or
RIGHT within the frame. Make minor adjustments
at both top and bottom hinges for best results.
By adjusting
Screw 2 the entire door will move IN or
OUT, opening or closing the gap between the door
frame and cabinet. (This screw rarely needs adjustment.)