Auto-Zone Control Systems Zoning Design Guide (Version 01B) User Manual

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Auto-Zone Systems


Zoning Design Guide

True Network Communications

The Auto-Zone uses a three wire, RS-485 loop for com-
munication between all controllers in the system. This
provides a very reliable form of communication with
flexibility of installation. The loop can be wired in a
“daisy chain” or “star” configuration. Many other zon-
ing systems utilize “home run” wiring that requires all
communication cables to be brought back to a central
point adding additional cost to the project and compli-
cating wiring.

High Integrity Communications

Many communicating control systems are susceptible
to electrical interference. One major manufacturer of
zoning systems recommends that their communication
cable should not be strapped to conduit because of po-
tential interference. The Auto-Zone Systems have a
communication bus that is almost immune to any noise
problems that may be found in most commercial facili-

Microprocessor Controllers

All controllers in the Auto-Zone have an on board
microprocessor. This is what gives the Auto-Zone its
powerful features and capabilities not found in other

Stand Alone Systems

All Auto-Zone Systems are true stand-alone and do not
require a computer to operate. Unit controllers main-
tain their own 7 day time clock, 365 day holiday sched-
uling, and setpoints within each controller.

Menu Driven Operators’ Interface

All Auto-Zone systems have an operators’ keypad and
display terminal. This gives you access to system sta-
tus and parameter values without the need for a com-
puter. The 4 line by 20 character display is backlighted
making it easy to read even in low light environments.
Menu driven programming makes the system extremely
user friendly. In addition, the interface panel is pass-
word protected to keep unauthorized users from access-
ing the system.

Communications Via Optional Modem

The Remote Link is used for achieving remote commu-
nications with the Auto-Zone system. It connects to the

CommLink II communications interface and a local
phone line. With the Remote Link, the Auto-Zone sys-
tem can be monitored and controlled from a remote lo-
cation, using a computer and the ZoneView AZ or Plus
software packages.

Memory Backup

Instead of batteries, which have to be replaced, Auto-
Zone utilizes super capacitors to provide power for
memory backup during power outages. The major ad-
vantages to this approach is that super capacitors are
more reliable than batteries and they recharge in a mat-
ter of seconds instead of hours. Typical memory backup
is good for a minimum of 10 days.

Modulating, Heavy Duty Actuators with
Real Time Feedback

All Auto-Zone actuators utilize true modulating con-
trol unlike many systems, which are two position. This
gives the system-improved control, which translates, to
better comfort levels. Our actuators are also rated for
2-½ million cycles, making our actuators some of the
most reliable in the industry. One other critical feature
is the real time feedback. Many other systems have no
feedback at all. They blindly estimate the travel time of
their actuator, which, in the real world, is not a very
repeatable estimate. To help correct the problems in-
herent with this approach, they recycle all the actuators
in the system once or twice a day. They may save a few
dollars by not including feedback but they sacrifice sys-
tem performance. Not so with Auto-Zone.

Commercial Grade – Insulated Round
Zone Dampers

Auto-Zone only uses commercial grade zone dampers,
not cheap, flimsy, “light commercial” or “residential”
style dampers like many other manufacturers. Our round
damper is ARI certified and comes from the factory
fully insulated. Why? When many zone dampers are
installed they are improperly insulated or not insulated
at all. This can cause problems with the damper “sweat-
ing” from condensation. With factory insulated zone
dampers, we eliminate a common problem for the con-
tractor while insuring the end user will not have prob-
lems with condensation dripping down onto the ceil-