Basics of designing a zoning system – Auto-Zone Control Systems Zoning Design Guide (Version 01B) User Manual

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Auto-Zone Systems

Zoning Design Guide

This is a summary of the key items you need to con-
sider for the design and layout of a successful zoning

It is important that you study the design guide for a
more in depth understanding of proper system design

By following the design guide and these tips you can
eliminate many unnecessary headaches that occur when
the basic rules of zoning are not followed. Always con-
tact WattMaster Controls if you have any questions.

• Always group zones with similar load

profiles on the same HVAC unit.

• Never mix perimeter zones with interior

zones on the same HVAC unit.

• Each zoned HVAC unit should have a

minimum of 3 to 4 zones. Any less and you

should consult the factory.

• Each zoned HVAC unit can support a

maximum of 16 voting zones. Any more

zones and you should contact the factory.

• When using auxiliary heat for individual

zones, perimeter heat such as baseboard is

always preferred and more economical to

operate than a fan terminal unit with reheat.

• If you have electric reheat coils mounted on

VAV boxes, it is recommended that a fan

powered box be used. Consult the factory for

further details concerning this application.

• If there is an economizer on the HVAC unit,

it is highly recommended, though not

required, that the Zone Manager control the


• Pressure Independent Zones must always use

round dampers or VAV boxes, never

rectangular - no exceptions!

• Never attempt to use a zone control system

on a true VAV application. See “ Zoning

Systems Versus True VAV Systems” on page

9 of this guide for detailed information.

• Bypass dampers should always be sized for

60%-70% of the HVAC units rated CFM.

• Even though the Auto-Zone system has

certain features to help protect your

equipment, never override or disconnect any

safety devices associated with the HVAC


Basics of Designing A Zoning System