Understanding v3 – the tcs features the ability t – ART Pro Audio TCS - Twin Compressor System User Manual

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ART TCS Twin Compressor System

might be necessary. If a VCA compressor has one advantage over opto-
based compression, it’s speed. VCAs have very quick response time when
peaks need to be compressed very rapidly. For these reasons VCAs are
especially good in situations that require amplitude protection.

Stereo Operation

When placed into stereo mode the TCS uses the left channel controls for all
of its compression controls (with exception given to the detection loop).
When in “linked” mode, simply use the left channel controls to set your
attack, release, threshold, ratio, noise reduction, V3 settings, and the right
channel will have the same exact settings. In this mode the output controls
function differently. The Channel 1 output control now controls the master
volume, and the Channel 2 output control now controls the balance of the
stereo image.

Understanding V3

The TCS features the ability to select 4 different

compression modes each with presets that tailor the compressor to your

Compression Modes

Opto – In this mode the TCS uses only the opto-isolator for it’s
compression and the VCA is deactivated.

Bass – useful for smooth bass compression, this setting uses
an expander for the noise reduction.

Mix – intended for mix-based material, this setting uses an
expander for the noise reduction.

Manual – this is a general all-purpose setting, which gives you
maximum flexibility; it uses a gate for noise reduction.

Vocal – this setting is intended for lead vocals, includes de-
essing and a gate for noise reduction.

Choral – this setting is intended for group vocals, includes de-
essing and a gate for noise reduction.

VCA – In this setting the TCS uses only the VCA component for

Vocal – this setting is intended for lead vocal compression,
includes de-essing and an expander for the noise reduction.

Mix – this setting is intended for mix-based material, includes
an expander for noise reduction.

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