AMETEK CW Series Programming Manual User Manual

Page 12

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Elgar CW-P Series

SCPI Commands

Programming Manual



Set the frequency of the CW.


Returns the frequency setpoint of the CW.


Adjust phase 1, 2, or 3 phase angle offset from
external trigger.


Return the present phase angle setpoint.


Return the present voltage setpoint.

:VOLTage []

Set the voltage setpoint.


Return the present voltage setpoint.

:LEVel []

Set the voltage setpoint.


Return the present voltage setpoint immediately
without waiting for any other commands to be

:IMMediate []

Set the voltage setpoint immediately without waiting
for any other commands to be processed.


Set the voltage setpoint.


Return the present voltage setpoint.


Return the overvolt protection of the CW.
Always returns „1‟.

:PROTection []

Set the overvolt protection setpoint value.


Set the overvolt protection setpoint value.


Return the overvolt protection value.


Specify the overvolt protection state. 1 = protection
turned on. 0 will be ignored.


Return the present overvolt state of the CW. Always
will return „1‟.


Return the present state of the overvolt protection
circuit. 0 = there has been no overvolt condition,
1 = CW has shut down due to an overvolt condition.


Set the voltage range to HIGH range or LOW range


Returns the present set voltage range of the CW.
Return values will be either „1‟ or „0‟.


If set to „1‟ turns on RMS loop software.


Returns „1‟ if RMS loop software is enabled.