Vectronics VEC-1290K User Manual
Page 14
VEC-1290K Instruction Manual
AM Radio Transmitter
2. Locate the 2N3904 plastic transistor. Form its leads so it sits close
to the board at location Q1. Note that the device has a rounded and
flat side. Align the package to conform to the silk-screened legend.
Solder and trim.
Phase 7: Electrolytic Capacitors
Electrolytic capacitors are polarized devices, and must be inserted with
respect to polarity. The style used in the VEC direct conversion receivers
have radial leads; both leads exit from one end of the device body. Each
capacitor's plus (+) mounting holes are noted both on the circuit board and
parts placement diagram. If the markings on the capacitor body are unclear,
the plus (+) lead is the longer of the two.
1. Locate the two 10-uF electrolytic capacitors. Install and solder at
following locations. Observe the polarity markings!
2. C1 10uF
3. C2
Phase 8: The Finishing Touches
1. Locate the IOK-ohm vertical trimmer resistor. Install at location RI.
Be sure the pot is fully seated to the board, and solder the three leads.
2. Locate the RCA PC-board mount phono jack. Install at location Jl. Be
sure the jack is fully seated, solder.
3. Locate the 2.lmm coaxial power jack. Install at location J2. Be sure
the jack is fully seated, solder.
4. Locate the six-foot length of white insulated 20-AWG antenna
5. At one end, strip
of insulation from the wire.