Vectronics VEC-820K User Manual

Page 11

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17 ('-820K Instruclion .Manual

Cff' Filter

17. Loca,td r"c'sistor R4. This is a 1.82M resistor (brown-gray-red-Nellmc
brotk W). "~'arefiilly bend the leads close


the resistor body as in Step


20. Insert R> into its mounting holes so the resistor body rests against the

board. Solder in place and trim theleads"


Locate resistor R6. This is a 681K resistor, (blue-gray-brown-orange


Carefully bend the leads close to the resistor

in Step #1l.

22. Insert R6 into its mounting holes so the resistor body rests


against the

board. Solder in place and trim the leads.

23. Locate resistor R7. This is a 681K resistor (blue-gray-brown-orange

broN%n). Carefully bend the leads close to the resistor body as in Step


Insert R7 into its mounting holes so the resistor body rests against the
board. Solder in place and trim the leads.

25. Locate resistor R8. This is a 681K resistor (blue-gray-brown-orange-
broL%n). Carefully bend the leads close to the resistor body as in Step #1 l.

26. Insert R8 into its mounting holes


the resistonbody rests against the

board. Solder in place and trim the leads.

27. Locate resistor R9. This is a 24.3K resistor (red-yellow-orange-red-
brown). Carefully bend the leads close to the resistot body as in Step #11.

28. Insert R9 into its mounting holes so the resistor body rests against the

board. Solder in place and trim the leads.

29. Locate resistor R10. This is a 24.3K resistor (red-yellow-orange-red-
brown). Carefully bend the leads close to the resistor body as in Step #11.