0 vfo frequency control – Vectronics SWR-584C User Manual
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SWR-584C Instruction Manual
HF/VHF/220MHz SWR Analyzer
The third screen provides a voltage check -- and flashes a warning if voltage is too low:
The fourth screen shows the operating frequency plus SWR and R&X impedance data. This is
the analyzer's default measurement mode. With no load connected to the Antenna jack, SWR
and Impedance (Z) will be very high, falling well outside the analyzer's normal measurement
range (greater than 25:1 and 650 Ohms):
See Chapter-4.2 for complete measurement-mode R&X operating instructions.
3.0 VFO Frequency Control
The SWR-584C's expanded-coverage VFO spans the LF, HF, and VHF spectrum from 0.53
MHz (AM broadcast) to 230 MHz (135-cm) in nine bands.
3.1 Band Switching and Tuning: Two Frequency MHz switches select high and low bands.
The High-Frequency band switch must be set fully clockwise to enable the Low-Frequency
band switch (see below).
2.1-4.7 1.0-2.1
The VFO Tune capacitor features a reduction driver to provide smooth continuous frequency
control with a small amount of overlap at each band edge.
3.2 LF (630 Meter) Modification: You may shift LF-VFO coverage down to the experimental
630-Meter band (472-479 kHz). First rotate Tune counter-clockwise to its stop (lowest
frequency). Then, remove the back of the case (4 screws each side) and remove the battery
tray (2 screws on right side). Find the access hole for the 0.53-1.0 MHz tuning slug at the very
bottom-center of the pc board (only coil using a hex slug). Using a 2-mm insulated hex wand,
adjust the inductor while watching the LCD frequency display for 0.47 Mhz. Coverage should
now be ~0.47-0.94 MHz.
3.3 Signal Generator Function: You may use the output signal from the analyzer's internal
VFO as a discrete signal source (or signal generator) for testing purposes. Connect via the
SO-239 Antenna jack. Signal level is approximately 3-Vpp (20 mW into 50 Ohms or +5 dBm)
Voltage Low 10.5
Voltage OK 14.2
10.140 MHz >25
R(Z>650) SWR