Presentation Switchers PS510 User Manual

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Series 500 Installation Guide

Switching - “Auto-Switch”

Switching - “Auto-Switch”

Microprocessors on each input card are constantly “sensing” for a new video connec on. When
a user connects to the PS510 the PS510 automa cally switches that signal to the display device
crea ng an Auto-Switch. This feature can be problema c in some situa ons and can be turned
off .

Ethernet Se ngs

Ethernet Se ngs

In this sec on, network se ngs can be adjusted to meet connec vity requirements of the Eth-
ernet network. DHCP, the process of automa cally acquiring an IP address from the host, can be
enabled or disabled. Sta c address values, such as IP, Subnet, Gateway, or DNS values, can also
be defi ned in this sec on.

Audio Input Levels

Audio Input Levels

Some mes it is necessary to a enuate (or lower) audio levels of certain inputs.

For example, a cable receiver box may produce audio levels that are always high. If this were the
case, users of the system would immediately lower the audio in the room. However, switching
to another source would sound too low and require turning the audio back up. The Audio Input
Levels feature of the PS510 would allow you to set the audio level of the cable receiver box
slightly lower such that all source devices have the same “nominal” level.

EDID Se ngs

EDID Se ngs

EDID, or Extended Display Iden fi ca on Data, is informa on that defi ne the capabili es of a
display. This informa on is used to tell source devices, such as laptop computers, what resolu-

on to output.

Table Select. Table select creates an EDID block of a specifi c resolu on and off ers that informa-

on to all inputs. The only excep on is those selected for EDID Bypass.

EDID Passthru. This method instructs the source devices to communicate directly with the dis-
play to obtain the EDID informa on and negota ate an output resolu on. EDID Bypass has no
eff ect in this case.

Port. This se ng tells the PS510 which display port (HDMI or VGA) in which to extract EDID
display informa on.

Communica on (RS-232) Se ngs

Communica on (RS-232) Se ngs

Baud Rate. This is the communica ons speed of the RS-232 port. All other parameters are 8
bit, no parity, and 1 stop bit.

Protocol. The PS510 can speak two languages. The PSI PS500 is an AMX®/AutoPatch™ BCS
deriva ve. But, the PS510 also understands the Extron® SIS™ protocol and can be set using this