NEXCOM NSA 5130 User Manual
Page 89

Copyright © 2011 NEXCOM International Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
NSA 5130 User Manual
Chapter 4: BIOS Setup
Console Redirection Settings
Specifies how the host computer and the remote computer (which the
user is using) will exchange data. Both computers should have the same
or compatible settings.
Version 2.11.1210. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
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Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2008 American Megatrends, Inc.
Emulation: ANSI:
Extended ASCII char set.
VT100: ASCII char set.
VT100+: Extends VT100
to support color, function
keys, etc. VT-UTF8: Uses
UTF8 encoding to map
Unicode chars onto 1 or
more bytes.
Console Redirection Settings
Terminal Type
Bits Per Second
Data Bits
Stop Bits
Flow Control
Recorder Mode
Resolution 100x31
Legacy OS Redirection
Terminal Type
Extended ASCII character set.
VT100 ASCII character set.
VT100+ Extends VT100 to support color, function keys, etc.
VT-UTF8 Uses UTF8 encoding to map Unicode characters onto 1 or more
Bits Per Second
Selects the serial port transmission speed. The speed must match the
other side. Long or noisy lines may require a lower speed.
Data Bits
The options are 7 and 8.
A parity bit can be sent with the data bits to detect some transmission
Even Parity bit is 0 if the number of 1’s in the data bits is even.
Odd Parity bit is 0 if number of 1’s in the data bits is odd.
Stop Bits
Stop bits indicate the end of a serial data packet. (A start bit indicates the
beginning). The standard setting is 1 stop bit. Communication with slow
devices may require more than 1 stop bit.
Flow Control
Flow control can prevent data loss from buffer overflow. When sending
data and the receiving buffers are full, a “stop” signal can be sent to
stop the data flow.
Recorder Mode
When this field is enabled, only text will be sent. This is to capture the
terminal data.
Resolution 100x31
Enables or disables extended terminal resolution.
Legacy OS Redirection
Selects the number of rows and columns that support redirection.