NEXCOM VTC 100 User Manual

Page 59

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Copyright © 2013 NEXCOM International Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Appendix A: CAN Module Setup and Command

VTC 100 User Manual


Cargo Weight—The force of gravity of freight carried.
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 1 166 056.9 N (0.0 to 262 140.0 lbf)
(Low Byte),AWL


(High Byte), AWH
Weight=(AWH*256+AWL)* 17.792 N


Total Engine Hours(TEH)—Accumulated time of operation of
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 214 748 364.8 h

#16 Engine total hours of Operation, EH1
#17 Engine total hours of Operation, EH2
#18 Engine total hours of Operation, EH3
#19 Engine total hours of Operation, EH4





Vehicle Identification Number—Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
as assigned by the vehicle manufacturer.
Vehicle identification number, aabbccddeeffgghh
“ATI” command can show max 20 character VIN

#20 aa
#21 bb
#22 cc
#23 dd
#24 ee
#25 ff
#26 gg
#27 hh


PTO Engagement Control Status
PTO output status:
Bits 8-5: Reserved—all bits set to 1
Bits 4-3: PTO #2 engagement actuator status
Bits 2-1: PTO #1 engagement actuator status
NOTE—Each status will be described using the following
00 Off/Not active
01 On/Active
10 Error condition
11 Not available




Average Fuel Economy
AFE=((AFE2*256)+AFE1) *1.660 72 x 10-3 km/L

#29 AFE1
#30 AFE2



Mass Air Flow—Mass air flow measured at the fresh air intake
MAF=((MAF2*256)+MF1)* 0.125 kg/min

#31 MAF1
#32 MAF2




Total Vehicle Distance(TVD)—Accumulated distance travelled by
vehicle during its operation.
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 691489743 km (0.0 to 429 496 729.5 mi)
Bit Resolution: 0.161 km (0.1 mi)
TVD=((D4*256*256*256)+(D3*256*256)+(D2*256)+D1)*0.161 (KM)
If vehicle dose not provide TVD, AT1708 replace the information
with the calculated distance, deviation is 0.5%, The first time
connection AT1708 please command ATR to clear distance memory.