NEXCOM NEX 716VL2G User Manual
Page 41
Chapter 4
NEX716VL2G User Manual
Boot Other Device
If the selected boot devices fail to boot, selecting Enabled for this item allows the BIOS to boot from
other boot devices (in a predefined sequence) which are present but not selected as boot devices are
in the setup.
Sw ap Floppy Drive
If the system has two floppy drives, use this item to swap the logical drive name assignments.
Boot Up Floppy Seek
Enable this to allow the system to search for floppy drives during the POST. Disable this item to boot faster.
Boot Up NumLock Status
Toggle bet ween On or Off to cont rol the state of t he NumLock key when the sy stem boot. If On, t he
numeric k eypad is in numeric mode. If Off, t he numeric keypad is in cursor cont rol mode.
Gate A20 Option
Enables you to select whether the chipset or the keyboard controller should control Gate A20.
The options are:
* Normal: A pin in the keyboard controller controls Gate A20.
* Fast: Lets chipset control Gate A20.
Typematic Rate Setting
If set to Enabled, enables you to set the Typematic Rate and Typematic Delay. When Disabled, the follow-
ing two items (Typematic Rate and Typematic Delay) are irrelevant. Keystroke repeats at a rate determined
by the keyboard controller in your system.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec): When the typematic rate setting is Enabled, you c an select a ty pematic
rat e (the rate at which charac ter repeat s when you hold down a key) of 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, or 30
charac ters per s econd.
Type matic De lay (Mse c): This sett ing controls the time between the display of the first character and
successive characters. There are four delay choices: 250ms, 500ms, 750ms and 1000ms.
Security Option
Enables you t o select whether the pas sword is required every t ime the system boots or only when you
enter Setup.
The system will not boot and access to Setup will be denied if the correct password is not
entered at the prompt.
The system will boot, but access to Setup will be denied if the correct password is not
entered at setup.