Monroe Electronics 639 User Manual
Page 15
After all the settings are done, begin programming. Click on ‘Programming’
and we get this screen.
Here, in the Weekly Programs list, select ‘Add a Weekly Program at the
End’ to add a new program to be executed every week.
Continue adding events until all are entered. The user should note that the
639 looks at the program list, and executes the last entered if more than one
are entered for the same day/hour. The next screen shows the screen and
the entries to be made for each event.
We may enter two types of events; One type occurs regularly, every week. It
may be every day, or only Sunday, but every week it occurs again as pro-
grammed. The other type occurs only on a specified schedule. It may be on
a single date, or on every day during a single month, during this year or an-
other year.
The unit allows only 100 weekly events and 20 dated events to be entered.