C8088, C8000, Digital audio modular processing system – Junger Audio C8088 - Mix-Matrix & Limiter User Manual

Page 11: 8 channel mix matrix with limiter

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digital audio 
processing system


8 Channel Mix Matrix with Limiter


Jünger Audio Studiotechnik  GmbH 
Justus‐von‐Liebig‐Strasse 7 
D ‐12489 Berlin 







Phase Reverse

the Phase Reverse switch will change the phase of that particular input
channel by 180 degrees.

Mix Matrix

the matrix is represented by 8x8 check boxes. Each check box acts
like a mixing node. You can assign as much as 8 input channels to a
mixing node and you can assign an input channel to all 8 mixing node
in any combination

Limiter Threshold

each output has a brick wall limiter. You can set the threshold for each
limiter from 0dBFS to -20dBFS in steps of 0.1dB


if you are using pairs of mixing nodes for stereo mixing you may link
the limiter processing together. The setup for the limiter threshold as
well as the gain settings are linked together in this case so you only
need to use one setting for both channels.

Limiter Status Monitor

enables the monitoring of the limiter activity.
If the limiter gain reduction is higher than 6dB for a time period of
5sec. the limiter status soft LED turns red. This status may be used by
an external monitoring system such as a SNMP manager.

Mix Matrix Control

the mix matrix can either operate in On-line or Off-line mode.
If in On-line mode all settings will be sent immediately to the module.
If in Off-line mode you may change several settings and send it as a
whole to the module by pressing the button.
If in Off-line mode you may use the button to gather an
updated display of the settings of the mix matrix.

Important Note:
The channels stored in presets (see page 6/12) are related to the output channels
of the C8088.This is the same way as it was implemented for the groups of presets for the
predecessor C8080.