Film setting – Drylam Fujipla LPE3510 Roller Laminator User Manual
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Insert Mandrel into the film roll (Upper & lower). Be sure the direction of hooks is in the reverse direction of the film
rotation (fig. A).
Set the film roll and Mandrel on the machine (Upper & lower). *Be sure the adhesive side of the film is facing you, not
the Heat Chamber (fig. B).
Pull out the end of the upper film roll and pull the film down in front of the Heat Roller, passing it over the Upper Guide
Roll as illustrated. Pull out the end of lower film roll passing the film around the back of the Lower Guide Roller. Adjust
the position of upper and lower films so that edges of the films align.
Put the end of lower film over the upper film.
NOTE: “Adhesive outside” film is not a common film type.