Walkthrough: generation of a dvb-c2 rf signal, C2xpress application gui, Dtc-379 c2xpress – DekTec DTC-379 C2Xpress User Manual
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DTC-379 C2Xpress Manual
Essential Tools for Digital-TV Professionals
February 2015
DTC-379 C2Xpress
10. L1 Parameter Updates
This area allows you to specify the L1 parameter updates. For each update a tab page is inserted
where you can specify the updated parameters and the number of frames the updated parameters
set is used.
11. Status Bar
The status bar shows the validity of the DVB-C2 parameter set.
6. Walkthrough: Generation of a DVB-C2 RF signal
This walkthrough will guide you through the generation of a DVB-C2 RF signal.
- Start C2Xpress application
C2Xpress can be started from the start menu or using the desktop shortcut.
After start-up all DVB-C2 parameters are set to default values.
- Set general DVB-C2 parameters
- Set Data Slice and PLP Parameters
Modify the Data Slice and PLP parameters and optionally add more Data Slices and/or PLPs.
To add more Data Slices right-click the mouse in the Data Slice and PLP parameter area and
select: Add Data Slice. Alternatively, the Insert key can be used.
To add more, select the Data Slice to which the PLP has to be added then right-click the mouse
and select: Add PLP. Alternatively, the Insert key can be used.
To remove a complete Data Slice or a PLP or, select the Data Slice or PLP then right-click the
mouse and select: Remove Data Slice or Remove PLP. The shortcut key in this case is Delete.
To navigate through the Data Slice and PLP parameters, use the arrow keys. After selection you
can press the Enter key to modify the parameter. When done, press the Enter key for further
To modify the PLP’s source, double click on the PLP’s source parameter and select a Transport-
Stream file or the O151 PRBS test signal.
- Set Output Format
Set the Format to RF, thereafter you can specify the output adapter, RF frequency and RF level.
- Check Status Bar
The status bar should indicate: Parameter set is valid. If otherwise, correct the settings.
- Save C2Xpress-Settings
Optionally save the current C2Xpress settings to file by pressing the save button in the toolbar,
or selecting Save File in the menu bar.
- Generate RF signal
The generation of the RF signal can be started by pressing the Generate output button
in the
toolbar, or selecting Generate output in the menu bar.
The generation can be stopped by pressing the Cancel generation button
in the toolbar, or
selecting Cancel generation in the menu bar.
7. C2Xpress Application GUI
The following sections describe the parameter groups and areas in the GUI of the C2Xpress