Multiple transmission paths simulation, Dtc-378 t2xpress – DekTec DTC-378 T2Xpress User Manual
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DTC-378 T2Xpress Manual
Essential Tools for Digital-TV Professionals
February 2015
DTC-378 T2Xpress
7.13.3. Multiple Transmission Paths Simulation
This group allows you to specify up to 32 transmission paths.
Transmission paths simulation parameters
The following parameters can be specified per fading path:
PLP parameter
Echo Type: Constant Delay, Constant Doppler, Rayleigh fading with
Gaussian spectrum or Rayleigh fading with Jakes spectrum
Atten (dB)
Attenuation of the path in dB
Delay (us)
Delay of the path in microseconds
Phase (deg)
Phase shift of the path in degrees. Only for Constant Delay and Constant
Doppler path types
Speed (km/h)
Speed of the simulated moving receiver in km per hour. The resulting
Doppler frequency in Hz is displayed. Only for Constant Doppler, Rayleigh
Jakes and Rayleigh Gaussian path types.
If the Multiple Transmission Paths Simulation is disabled, it acts as a single path without attenuation
and without delay. If the Multiple Transmission Paths Simulation is enabled and no paths are
defined, it acts as a pure noise generator.
The sum of path power is displayed. The normalize button allows you to normalize the attenuation
of the paths such that the total power is 0dB again.