Dataman Vali-Flash 2.0 User Manual
Page 9

Dataman Vali-Flash User Manual
Page 9 of 13
Once the signatures are calculated, they are then compared against the database for a
match. If no match is found, the user is prompted and asked if this new signature should
be added to the database. If the user selects “No”, the signatures will not be added. If
“Yes” is selected, the user will be prompted to enter a Game Name. Once the user enters
a Game Name, the signatures will be added to the database. The next time this game is
validated it should find a match and pull up the Game Name you just entered.
NOTE: There are only two conditions that will prompt you to enter a new game:
Either the game in CompactFlash being validated does not exist in the database, or
the data in the CompactFlash being tested does not match the data of the game in
the database (hence a different signature). If you get this message and you believe
the game already exist in the database, you should search the database for the game
to confirm that it does not exist. If the game exists, but the signatures are different
you should take all precautionary measures to verify the data integrity of the game.