Dataman Vali-Flash 2.0 User Manual
Page 5

Dataman Vali-Flash User Manual
Page 5 of 13
This product is licensed for one PC only. If you ever need to transfer this program to
another computer you must perform the following steps:
1. Install the Vali-Flash software (from original CD) on the new computer. Launch
the software and obtain the new 8-digit Site Code from the Site Code block of the
registration screen of the new computer.
2. Run the UNLOCKED Vali-Flash program on original computer and enter the
original Init Code (given to you on initial installation) into the Init Code block.
Now enter the New Site Code from the Site Code block on the registration screen
of the new computer. Click the License Transfer button then Continue.
3. The UNLOCKED Vali-Flash program on original computer will now display a
dialog box with New Init code value in the New Init Code block. This Init Code
can now be used to unlock the Vali-Flash program you installed on the new
The license will be removed from the original computer and will now be installed on the
new computer.