Dataman Vali-Flash 2.0 User Manual
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Dataman Vali-Flash User Manual
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"Some things you just don't gamble with!!"
The Dataman Vali-Flash is a PC Based Validator for calculating CRC-32 and SHA-1
signatures of various CompactFlash devices. The Vali-Flash offers many advanced
features including:
Support for complete range of CompactFlash devices
Signature compatibility with all other Dataman Validator products
Full database features including search and edit of all records
Encrypted Database files and visual CRC32 checksum – to prevent tampering
Compressed Program File (.exe ) to prevent tampering
MS-Windows 95/98 ONLY.
Available CD-ROM drive.
Minimum 40 MB or more of free disk space.
Available USB port for CompactFlash card reader
USB CompactFlash card reader (for use with PC or Laptop).
CD-ROM containing the Vali-Flash software.
Software License Agreement.
User’s Manual.