Cueunits, Csmdataprovider host unit, Site description – CUE CueSiteManager Programmers User Manual

Page 9: 9 cueunits 9, Example, Description, Properties

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Cue Site Manager / Programmer’s Manual / Basic Terminology

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Following Threshold Actions are not displayed on Operator Console

▪ Log means that if threshold condition is spent (parameter value is out of range), this information is

written to log file.

▪ None means that Threshold Action is not triggered.

Advice When Return To Normal Range

Following actions can be make when parameter value returns to normal range

▪ Log means that if parameter returns to normal range, this information is written to log file.

▪ None means that nothing is done.


This example describes projector lamplife monitoring.
Set of parameter properties

▪ Parameter Name: “Projector LampLife”

▪ Parameter Unit: “hours“

▪ Threshold Value: 2000 (depends of type of projector)

▪ Threshold Operator: Greater Then Or Equal To

▪ Threshold Action: Service Request

▪ Advice When Return To Normal Range: Log

When projector lamplife (read by driver from projector) exceeds 2000 hours, Service Request will appear on

Operator Console, e-mail to service e-mail address is sent and information is written to the log file. When

lamplife is reseted (after lamp replacement), information is written to the log file using Advice When Return

To Normal Range.


CUEunit is any site controller or touch panel beeing monitored. CSM monitores if the CUEunit is offline or

online. Name for every CUEunit can be defined by property CUEunitXXName.

CSMDataProvider Host Unit

This is the CUEunit where CSMDataProvider driver is connected.

Site Description


Each monitored site has set of values (properties) for easy identification and navigation in Operator Console.



This property defines name of the site displayed on Operator Console where all monitored sites can be sorted

using this value.


This property defines location of the site displayed on Operator Console where all monitored sites can be

sorted using this value. For example town, country, etc.


This property defines group of the site displayed on Operator Console where all monitored sites can be

sorted using this value. For example faculty, companies, private houses, etc.