Functions, Events, 30 functions 30 events – CUE CueSiteManager Programmers User Manual
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Cue Site Manager / Programmer’s Manual / CSMOverviewUI (graphic window)
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SetOpenMode(newopenmode As Long) As Boolean
This function sets OpenMode to newopenmode. You can use following constants as parameter
▪ _OW_MODAL for Modal open mode
▪ 0 for Modeless open mode
▪ _OW_TOPMOST for Topmost open mode
Function returns True on success or False if an error occurs (parameter has wrong value).
GetOpenMode() As Long
This function returns current OpenMode of the window.
This function shows object, property Visible is set to True.
This function hides object, property Visible is set to False.
This graphic window has only events for communication with driver CSMDataCollector. These events are used
by module CSMOverviewInterface and there are no user applicable events.