Casella CEL Apex personal sampling pumps User Manual
Page 27

If a pump is detected that has not been configured by the software, i.e. is not included in the Pump
Manager Directory field, a “New Pump” message will be displayed and the new pump added automatically
to the application.
The operator should add the remaining pump properties as soon as possible. (An Apex Standard model will
be shown as a pump with no data.)
If People have been defined, the option will be offered to select the
person who has been using the pump, or to select No pump user.
The downloaded data is stored in the application database where it is identified by pump, and when
defined, also by person. The display is updated to include the new data in a “sample” (run) folder that
shows each time the pump was switched ON and OFF as a separate “event”.
Inspecting Data, Adding Supplementary Information and
Printing a Report
Stored data can be inspected, supplementary information added and a report displayed and printed. All
reports can be exported to other software for further processing.