Index – Mercedes-Benz 2013 GLS Class User Manual
Page 21

Outside temperature ...................... 244
Setting (climate control) ................ 143
Function/notes ............................. 186
Theft-deterrent system
ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system) ......... 75
Immobiliser ...................................... 74
Through-loading feature ................... 309
Timing (RACETIMER) ......................... 262
TIREFIT kit .......................................... 356
Top Tether ............................................ 59
Total distance recorder .................... 246
Tow-away protection .......................... 75
Important safety notes .................. 365
With the rear axle raised ................ 367
Towing a trailer
Active Blind Spot Assist ................. 230
Active Lane Keeping Assist ............ 233
Active Parking Assist ..................... 214
Axle load, permissible .................... 417
Bulb failure indicator for LED
lamps ............................................. 238
(Electronic Stability Pro-
gram) ............................................... 72
Towing away
Fitting the towing eye .................... 366
Removing the towing eye ............... 367
With both axles on the ground ....... 367
Emergency engine starting ............ 368
Important safety notes .................. 365
Display message ............................ 289
Trailer coupling
see Towing a trailer
Trailer towing
7-pin connector ............................. 239
Blind Spot Assist ............................ 226
Cleaning the trailer tow hitch ......... 346
Coupling up a trailer ...................... 237
Decoupling a trailer ....................... 237
Driving tips .................................... 235
Folding in the ball coupling ............ 237
Folding out the ball coupling .......... 236
Important safety notes .................. 233
Lights display message .................. 271
Mounting dimensions .................... 415
Parktronic ...................................... 210
Power supply ................................. 238
Shift range ..................................... 168
Trailer loads ................................... 417
see Automatic transmission
Transmission position display ......... 166
Transmission position display
(DIRECT SELECT lever) ...................... 166
Transporting the vehicle .................. 367
Trim pieces (cleaning instructions) . 347
Trip computer (on-board com-
puter) .................................................. 246
Trip meter
Calling up ....................................... 246
Resetting (on-board computer) ...... 247
Turn signals
Switching on/off ........................... 123
Operating (on-board computer) ..... 250
see Separate operating instructions
Two-way radio
Frequencies ................................... 402
Installation ..................................... 402
Transmission output (maximum) .... 402
Type identification plate
see Vehicle identification plate
Tyre pressure
Calling up (on-board computer) ..... 378
Display message ............................ 285
Not reached (TIREFIT) .................... 358
Reached (TIREFIT) .......................... 358
Recommended ............................... 375
Tyre pressure loss warning
General notes ................................ 377
Important safety notes .................. 377
Restarting ...................................... 377
Tyre pressure monitor
Checking the tyre pressure elec-
tronically ........................................ 379
Function/notes ............................. 378
Restarting ...................................... 380
Warning lamp ................................. 304
Warning message .......................... 379
Changing a wheel .......................... 381