TOYOTA 2011 4Runner User Manual
Page 106

1-3. Adjustable components (seats, mirrors, steering wheel)
Before driving
Emergency locking retractor (ELR)
The retractor will lock the belt during a sudden stop or on impact. It may also
lock if you lean forward too quickly. A slow, easy motion will allow the belt to
extend so that you can move around fully.
Automatic locking retractor (ALR)
When a passenger's shoulder belt is completely extended and then
retracted even slightly, the belt is locked in that position and cannot be
extended. This feature is used to hold the child restraint system (CRS) firmly.
To free the belt again, fully retract the belt and then pull the belt out once
more. (
→P. 140)
Pregnant women
People suffering illness
Obtain medical advice and wear the seat belt in the proper way. (
Obtain medical advice and wear the seat
belt in the proper way. (
Women who are pregnant should position
the lap belt as low as possible over the
hips in the same manner as other occu-
pants. Extend the shoulder belt com-
pletely over the shoulder and position the
belt across the chest. Avoid belt contact
over the rounding of the abdominal area.
If the seat belt is not worn properly, not
only the pregnant woman, but also the
fetus could suffer death or serious injury
as a result of sudden braking or a colli-