1 nac-n 172 xs introduction, 1 the stereo preamplifier, 2 the multi-mode radio – Naim Audio NAC-N 172 XS User Manual
Page 3: Nac-n 172 xs introduction

NAC-N 172 XS Introduction
1 NAC-N 172 XS Introduction
The NAC-N 172 XS is a highly capable product that will repay time and effort spent on
installation and setup. We strongly recommend that you read this manual. The NAC-N
172 XS incorporates four separate elements. Each of these is introduced in the following
paragraphs and subsequently described in full detail in Sections 5 to 8. The NAC-N 172 XS
elements are:
A Stereo Preamplifier
Introduced below and fully described in Section 5
A Multi-mode Radio
Introduced below and fully described in Section 6
A UPnP™ Audio Interface
Introduced below and fully described in Section 7
A USB/iPod Interface
Introduced below and fully described in Section 8
Prior to the sections describing NAC-N 172 XS elements, Section 2 covers its installation
and connection, Section 3 describes its operation and Section 4 describes its setup.
1.1 The Stereo Preamplifier
1.1.1 Inputs
The NAC-N 172 XS incorporates an audio preamplifier that
provides three analogue and five S/PDIF digital audio
external inputs. The preamplifier also accepts internal
inputs from NAC-N 172 XS’s optional FM/DAB tuner.
In addition to conventional analogue and digital input
signals, the NAC-N 172 XS preamplifier can accommodate
the following external peripheral inputs:
iPod and USB storage via a USB interface.
Internet radio and universal plug and play (UPnP™)
servers via an Ethernet network socket or wireless
network connection.
1.1.2 Signal Outputs
The NAC-N 172 XS preamplifier provides the following signal
A preamplifier output (post volume/balance control).
A headphone output (post volume/balance control).
A line output (pre volume/balance control).
1.2 The Multi-mode Radio
The NAC-N 172 XS multi-mode radio combines an internet
radio (iRadio) player and an optional FM/DAB (Digital
Audio Broadcasting) tuner. A total of 40 radio stations
across all three modes can be stored as presets. In FM and
DAB mode, stations are tuned by NAC-N 172 XS scanning
the respective transmission bands. In iRadio mode the
NAC-N 172 XS receives data streams and a list of available
radio stations from a dedicated internet server. iRadio
requires broadband internet access via a home network
The NAC-N 172 XS DAB module incorporates full broadcast
and station display capabilities. The FM module is fully RDS
(Radio Data System) capable.
DAB and RDS broadcasts are not available in all