Opening the session viewer, Editing questions and answers – Turning Technologies ResultsManager User Manual

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ResultsManager User Guide


Opening the Session Viewer

Opening the Session Viewer

How to open the session viewer...


Select a column associated with a session file (.tpz or .tkz).


In the Information Pane, click Edit Session.

The Session Viewer opens.

Next Steps

Use the Session Viewer to edit questions and answers.

Editing Questions and Answers

How to edit questions and answers...


Select the question from the Questions section in the left panel.


The question text is shown and can be edited in the text box at the top of the right panel.


The correct and incorrect point values appear in the text boxes in the far right column. To change these,
enter a new point value in the boxes provided.


The answers are listed below the question. To edit the text, select the answer and type the new text.


Change an answer to correct or incorrect by selecting the value from the drop-down menu to the right
of the answer choice.


To add an answer choice, click Add Answer and type the answer text in the box provided and set the
answer value in the drop-down box next to the answer text.


To remove an answer choice click the ( X ) to the right of the answer value.

Answer choices can only be removed from the end of the answer choices listed if there is no response
data associated with the answer choice.


To delete a question from the session, select the question in the Questions section in the left panel and
click Delete in the Action Item menu.