Editing course information, Deleting a course – Turning Technologies ResultsManager User Manual

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ResultsManager User Guide


Editing Course Information

The ResultsManager window displays the new course. The participant list has been turned into a
student roster and the names are listed in the left column. A blank total column appears directly next
to the student list.

Next Steps

Add columns and assignments to calculate grades. For more information see Chapter 5: Columns.

Editing Course Information

After a course has been created, it is possible to go back and change the course name and description.

How to edit course information...


Click File and select Edit Course Information.


To edit course information, replace the current text with the new text and click Save.

Deleting a Course

Deleting a course will delete all information associated with it, such as rosters and grades.

How to delete a course...


In the ResultsManager window, click Courses below the New Courses button.


Select the course to be deleted, then click the (-) action button in the lower left corner of the window.


Confirm that the course is to be deleted.